Hold The Wheat: Questions You Should Ask About Gluten Before Going Gluten-Free

Image courtesy of Mister GC at FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Image courtesy of Mister GC at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

What is gluten?

Gluten is a protein found in wheat, rye and barley. When a person with celiac disease, (sometimes called coeliac disease or non-tropical sprue) consumes gluten, it damages their small intestines and causes them to suffer digestive disorders and malnutrition. Historically, doctors only tested patients with chronic diarrhea and weight loss for celiac disease, yet many patients present seemingly unrelated symptoms and many are actually overweight. This is why it often takes celiac patients several years to get a proper diagnosis. A proper diagnosis is made through blood tests for antibodies and is confirmed with an intestinal biopsy. It is important to get tested BEFORE going on a gluten-free diet to avoid a false negative test result.

What is a gluten-free diet?

A celiac disease diet, or gluten-free diet, means avoiding ALL gluten-containing ingredients and avoiding cross contamination. This can truly be challenging! Food companies are coming out with new gluten-free foods, but not all taste as good as their wheat-containing counterparts. Many home recipes can be made gluten-free by simply substituting gluten-free flour and grains for gluten-containing ingredients. Oats are considered gluten-free and safe for celiac patients, but choose oats that are labeled gluten-free to avoid cross contamination with gluten during grain processing. Processed foods that contain less than 20 ppm of gluten are considered safe for celiac patients and can be labeled gluten-free in the US. Pure meat, dairy, fruit and vegetables are naturally gluten-free and are safe to consume.

Most importantly, always read labels to avoid inadvertently ingesting gluten-containing ingredients! A really great resource for grocery shopping is called Cecelia’s Marketplace, a small book listing common grocery items that are gluten-free.

What are the symptoms of Celiac Disease?


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Recipes for a Guilt-Free BBQ


How To Have a Healthy BBQ

Memorial Day has passed, which means that we are officially in BBQ season! This is a great time to get outside and reconnect with friends after a long hard winter. However, it can also be a time of temptation and ultimately guilt after over indulging. Here are some tips and healthy recipes that will help you enjoy every BBQ this season without any guilt!

Start With the Best Ingredients

The key to any healthy recipe is to start with the best ingredients. Choosing ingredients that are local and in season will not only create dishes that are more flavorful, but it will also help ensure you are getting the most nutrients from the food that you are eating. When it comes to organic vs. conventional, ideally you should choose organic. However, organic can be expensive and sometimes it’s not even locally available.  In that case, check out What Should I Buy Organic (link to http://taracoleman.com/what-should-i-buy-organic/) to see where you should spend your money and where you can save it.

Give Veggies a Go

When we think of BBQ’s we usually think of hotdogs, hamburgers, chicken and steak.  There are also some great options for a healthy vegetarian BBQ! Try this Grilled Avocado Stuffed with Lentils & Goat Cheese recipe. It is high in fiber and protein so it will keep you full much longer, making you less likely to find yourself and the bottom of a bag of chips! Ingredients found at Trader Joe’s are quick and easy, but you can find comparable options at any grocery store:

Grilled Avocado Stuffed with Lentils & Goat Cheese


  • 1 cup Trader Joe’s Steamed Lentils
  • 1 cup Trader Joe’s Bruschetta Sauce
  • ¼ cup crumbled goat cheese
  • 2 avocados, ripe


  1. Combine the lentils, bruschetta sauce and goat cheese in a bowl and stir until thoroughly mixed.
  2. Slice both avocados in half and remove the seed. Place each half on a hot grill, flat side towards the flame and skin side up. Grill for approximately 1 minute.
  3. Fill the cavity of each avocado with ¼ cup of the lentil mixture and serve immediately!

Fill Up on Fruit

Oftentimes we turn to cupcakes and brownies for dessert because they are quick and easy.  However, with a hot grill on hand and a ton of delicious fruit in season, grilling up some of your favorite fruit is a much faster and much healthier way to go! The heat of the grill will caramelize the natural sugars found in the fruit making a dessert everyone will love.

Grilled Peach & Greek Yogurt Sundae



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Total Gym Accessory Spotlight: The Dip Bar

Total Gym Dip Bar Accessory

Use The Total Gym Dip Bar To Optimize Your Arm Muscles

Does the flab on your arms keep waving after you’re done saying goodbye? Ever wonder what to do to get rid of arm fat? Total Gym arm workouts can help!

Although it’s impossible to reduce fat only in a targeted area, there are isolation exercises that can increase strength and tone of those muscles. For the shoulders and arms, dips work the triceps on the back of the upper arm, the anterior deltoid on the front of the shoulder and the pectoralis muscles on the chest. The rhomboids and lats, and some traps in the back are also activated during this Total Gym upper body workout.

Building Upper Body Strength


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7 Fundamental Exercises For Men’s Health Month

Screen Shot 2015-06-01 at 12.34.59 PM

The 7 Best Total Gym Exercise for Men

Why do you work out? I know many of us guys work out for the aesthetic results. Nothing wrong with that! When we look better we feel better about ourselves, we feel and act more confident, we have more energy for our professional and personal lives, and we are more attractive to whomever we are trying to attract. All great benefits, but now let’s get into the exercises.

  • Single Leg Plyometric Jumps
  • Chest Presses – Upper, Mid, and Lower Chest Muscles
  • Pull-ups. With option to do Plyometric Pull-ups
  • Surfer Lat Pull with Upper Back Emphasis
  • Surfer Lat Pull with Biceps Emphasis
  • Kneeling Triceps Extension with Lower Back and Balance component
  • Ab Crunch with plenty of options

For the best results, I want you to choose a level on your Total Gym that makes you hit fatigue around 8-10 repetitions with good form. Good form is paramount! It is better to use a lower level on the Total Gym tower if it means maintaining good form. You’ll get better results and also reduce the incidence of injury.

Visit Your Doctor For Proper Prevention

Yes, exercise is a great way to prevent a lot of physical diseases and ailments, but you still need to get your annual physical. If you haven’t had one in the past year, use Men’s Health Month to inspire you to make an appointment. Depending on your age and family history, here are three extremely important health areas to stay atop of:

  • Prostate Check Up
  • Colon Check Up
  • Testosterone Screening


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