How to Use Total Gym’s Golf Core Grip Accessory

Total Gym Core Grip Golf accessory

The Father’s Day Total Gym Attachment Spotlight: Golf Core Grip

Hey Total Gym Team,

With the golf season in full swing and Father’s Day around the corner, the Total Gym Core Grip Workout System is the perfect gift for the man in your life. This accessory works seamlessly with your Total Gym and is guaranteed to improve your golf game.

The Core Grip Workout System attaches to your Total Gym cables, which allows you to emulate natural golf movements while maintaining a neutral grip that all great golfers aspire to.

My dad got me into golf when I was two years old and I have been in love with the game ever since. When I began my fitness training career, I tried everything I could think of to help my golf clients; it wasn’t until I used the Total Gym eleven years ago that I realized its potential in this area. The best benefit of the Total Gym is functional training. The Golf Core Grip takes the best benefit of the Total Gym, functional training, to a new level.

Check out the video to learn some exercises that strengthen AND improve your core flexibility.

5 Reasons To Fall In Love with The Golf Core Grip

  • Wrist Strength and Stability
    If you look at the big hitters, they all have well developed forearms. From old-school players like Arnold Palmer and Jack Nicklaus to modern day bombers like Dustin Johnson, a powerful wrist release through impact creates more club head speed, which equates to more distance. Improving your wrists and forearms strength is huge for those moments when you miss the fairway, by giving you the power to get through the rough with maximum force.
  • Reinforcing a Neutral Grip
    The Core Grip puts you in an ergonomically correct grip that all great golfers use. Ben Hogan, a golf legend, wrote one of the bibles on the subject: The Five Golf Lessons and one of his first lessons is proper gripping – the Core Grip puts you right into that position.
  • Trunk Rotation in a Golf Mentality
    By practicing swing exercises with the Core Grip you strengthen the core muscles that maintain a constant spine angle (think consistency) and create more power through your rotation. What does that mean? More club head speed and greater distance. As an added benefit, it strengthens your lower back so you experience less back fatigue on the back nine.
  • Posture and Stability
    These functional exercises on the Total Gym always require your core and stabilizing muscles. This not only helps your posture and stability on the golf course but also in daily life.
  • Flexibility
    Of all of the things I teach my golfing clients now, the most important is how to improve their flexibility. If there is an aspect of fitness that all great golfers have in common it is mobility and flexibility. That’s why Michelle Wie and Erie Els can both drive it 300 yards.

Order the Golf Core Grip Accessory here

JayDee Cutting III, MBA

JayDee Cutting III, MBA is an Educator for the American Council On Exercise and holds 12 fitness certifications including Pilates, yoga, personal training, lifestyle and weight management. JayDee is a Total Gym master trainer and spokesmodel since 2004. He lectured and taught wellness at Rancho La Puerta Fitness Spa and is featured in over 10 fitness DVDs and over 40 fitness television programs. He developed his own Coregolf Fitness Program and founded the NiceDogYoga Company. His mission statement is: “My passion is inspiring people to enhance their lives through wellness, creating healthier, happier, higher qualities of life.”

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